About Us

The Zero Carbon Society is the principal student organization providing a platform for students to learn, engage and act on climate change. Since its creation in 2007, Zero Carbon has collaborated with many other societies and organizations to facilitate positive discussion and action on the societal effects of climate change – considering the scientific, political, economic, technical and legal implications of environmental issues.

The Zero Carbon Society now offers a place where students can MEET, INFORM, EXPERIENCE, CAMPAIGN and ENGAGE on climate change related issues. We have a specific focus in engaging with the policy and business worlds at a high level and helping students prepare for this engagement both while they are at university and once they enter their careers.

We work alongside Climate Experts, a community of research bodies and businesses conducting research to understand and address the risks of climate change. By offering an avenue through which students can engage with Climate Experts, Zero Carbon equips students with the skills, knowledge and networks to enable them to lead the transition to a low carbon economy.